Wednesday 11 January 2012

Nude - Eva Caridi

Eva Caridi's new show opened tonight at the vast Ambika P3 space near Baker Street.
It comprises two labyrinths, made of rolled steel from the Midlands and contains a video piece in the largest labyrinth and self portrait sculptures and chairs in the other, more open, labyrinth. A good example of the modern trend in contemporary art for the production to get bigger and bigger at the same time as the content gets smaller - this is supposedly about the time the artist sat on a chair when she was young ...


  1. Ugh, the naked white figures creep me out a bit. And those poor waitresses look quite uncomfortable standing there. Was it all white drinks? Like the idea of the labyrinth, though.

    Sorry, I know I should take art more seriously and not worry about the waitresses!

  2. I liked the exhibition .it was very poetic .
