Friday 6 September 2013

Refuse to Re-Use - Review of week five

I have been mainly making, rather than collecting, this week - following Brian Eno's advice( through his oblique strategy cards), I also tidied my studio and brought 30 pictures and some objects back to my home studio.
I have enjoyed getting into the rhythm of working and being distracted by the occasional interested visitor to my studio. I also took my sons, Will and Fraser around the site and Fraser took some film photographs of me working in and around the studio.
I am less melancholic than at the start of the residency - perhaps I am becoming used to seeing traces  of death in the items I select.
One of the team witnessed a man dumping black sacks of papers and photo albums - one sack broke open and he picked up his wedding day photo album and proceeded to tear up each page with sheer hatred and venom. His marriage had clearly not gone well.

Only two more weeks, so I will spend some of it documenting my work and also doing some more slow motion filming. I visit the Venice Biennale in between the two weeks and so I will investigate the impact of seeing all of that work on my last week's work.

Watched the skilful operators filling a massive truck full of green waste. Jurassic Park re-enacted at the Recycling Centre.

A TV from the days when you rented your Television.

Seen on cycle ride home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, loving your documenting of the site and its unwanted objects. We popped down with some items we had been unable to recycle following a recent move last week. I had a brief look about for you and your onsite studio but didn't spot you (it was quite late in the day). Probably for the best, might have been tempted to take home some of your rescued items! Still haven't been able to forget the typewriter!
