Friday 2 August 2013

Refuse to Re-Use - Reflections on week one

What an interesting week ! What have I learnt and what sort of work will I start to make ?

I have begun some collections - music, old radio and hifi equipment, found paintings and childrens toys.
I have built a studio which could be moved to the gallery for the final show.
I have learnt something of where the waste goes after being delivered to the site and sorted into various caterories of waste, for re-use, recyling and landfill.

I have been warned by the team who work there, that collecting old objects comes with the danger of melancolia - have already found paintings in memory of lost grandparents and other family members.
Having recently cleared out my own parents' home, I understand that you cannot keep very much to remember them by and the decisions on how to recycle photo albums, documents, furniture and bric-a-brac are not always easy to make.
The site is really well organised and deals efficiently with the constant influx of waste and the daily removals of general and green waste - 4 of these monster trucks are filled each day.

The remains of general electrical goods are stripped of wires and plugs and then the rest is disposed of in these large containers.

I expect to continue to be amazed at what gets delivered to the site - my favourite so far is the speedboat from the 1960's complete with trailer.

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